The Principal Internship
The Southern Regional Education Board evaluates 60 principal internship programs and recommends how they can be better linked to current job demands.
Making Out-of-School-Time Matter
A RAND report examines what is known about the afterschool learning field, including demand for and quality of programs.
Gifts of the Muse
A landmark study argues that the arts offer important intrinsic benefits and recognition of this should help drive public arts policy.
One Day I Will Make It
This report looks at how libraries can encourage more persistent attendance at adult literacy programs by offering childcare and other help.
All Work and No Play?
This report on a national survey explores the often-overlooked views of parents and children on what they want from afterschool and summer programs.
How Leadership Influences Student Learning
Leadership is second only to teaching among in-school influences on student success, according to this landmark examination of school leadership.