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  • Motivations Matter A path-breaking national survey examines the motivations of audiences at different kinds of arts events and the implications for audience...
    November 1, 2005 report
  • Quality That Lasts A Wallace brief looks at how policymakers and program operators can plan for broad, lasting improvements in afterschool programs.
    April 1, 2005 report
  • Gifts of the Muse A landmark study argues that the arts offer important intrinsic benefits and recognition of this should help drive public arts policy. ...
    February 15, 2005 report
  • Buried Treasure A guide shows educators how to identify useful nuggets from the vast amounts of data they receive to improve learning.
    January 1, 2005 report
  • One Day I Will Make It This report looks at how libraries can encourage more persistent attendance at adult literacy programs by offering childcare and other he...
    January 1, 2005 report
  • New on the Shelf Programs that engage and employ teenagers in public libraries can benefit both young people and communities.
    November 1, 2004 report
  • All Work and No Play? This report on a national survey explores the often-overlooked views of parents and children on what they want from afterschool and summe...
    November 1, 2004 report


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