Host & Guests
Host: Katherine Lewandowski, Senior Program Officer, The Wallace Foundation

Liliana Polo-McKenna, Network Professional Learning Lead, FHI 360

Dr. Patrick Keeley, Superintendent, Mountain Empire Unified School District

Tanika Lane, 21CCLC Program Director and Instructional Coach, Eufaula Public Schools

Just sharing our story, sharing what we do, it just brings to light that it's not impossible. Some larger districts may have other things that we don't have in a rural setting like ours, but it's not impossible. I feel like our district is doing great things with what we have.
— Tanika Lane
About the Episode
In the sixth episode of A Hot Time for Summer Learning, Wallace explores how two districts, Oklahoma’s Eufaula Public Schools and California’s Mountain Empire Unified School District, innovatively transform and expand high-quality summer learning opportunities amid the unique needs and context of their vibrant rural communities.
Both districts participate in The District Summer Learning Network (DSLN), which has helped more than 100 school districts and six states design, implement, and sustain high-quality, evidence-based summer learning programs that prepare students for academic success and support their well-being. Funded by Wallace, the network is designed and led by FHI 360, with NYU Metro Center's Policy, Research and Evaluation team as the research partner.
The discussion dives into the challenges rural districts and schools across the country face while planning engaging summer learning programs. District leaders Tanika Lane and Patrick Keeley share how their districts creatively approach and overcome limited funding, transportation challenges, attracting and retaining staff, access to community-based organizations, and more.
About the Series
High-quality summer learning plays an important role in the lives of our nation’s young people. Summer learning programs can bolster academic knowledge and skills and connect young people to engaging and enriching learning experiences. In the wake of the pandemic, high-quality summer learning programming has become an essential part of children’s learning recovery and well-being. This podcast series from The Wallace Foundation features leading field experts, researchers and practitioners who are involved in summer learning and enrichment on the national, state and local levels.