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What It Takes to Operate and Maintain Principal Pipelines
  • Author(s)
  • Julia H. Kaufman, Susan M. Gates, Melody Harvey, Yan Wang, and Mark Barrett
  • Publisher(s)
  • RAND Corporation
Page Count 96 pages

Implementation Tips

Review a comprehensive list of principal pipeline activities. Researchers summarized activities for each component of a principal pipeline in this table. It can help districts to identify what pieces of principal pipelines they already have in place and what additional activities they might consider undertaking. 

Review a chart showing how much the six large districts in the study spent annually on each component of their pipeline. Costs are given as the amount spent per each principal employed in the district. (Not all principals participated in pipeline activities.) 

Plot the most cost-effective approach to building or expanding a principal pipeline. Researchers note that districts could save money by considering how various pipeline activities reinforce one another. They observe that investing time and resources in one area could reduce spending in another. For example, revising standards first could reduce time needed to redesign preservice preparation or hiring and selection processes. 

Check out federal funding opportunities. This guide can help school districts looking to invest in principal pipelines find the most promising federal funding to support their work.

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