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One Day I Will Make It
  • Author(s)
  • Kristin E. Porter, Sondra Cuban, John P. Comings, and Valerie Chase
  • Publisher(s)
  • MDRC
Page Count 77 pages

Implementation Tips

  • Offer realistic social support services, such as on-site childcare. Other types of services, such as some forms of counseling, may also show promise. 
  • Develop a system for referring students to other social service and education providers. Library literacy programs could offer information about local social service and education providers more proactively by formalizing and institutionalizing their referral processes.  
  • Adapt and add programmatic improvements. For example, off-site instruction and drop-in classes could make instruction more accessible to students who have transportation difficulties or scheduling conflicts. 
  • Modify existing services, and design new services to help students on all pathways. Programs should put less emphasis on group learning activities—in which one can easily fall behind—in favor of offering more one-on-one, computer-based, and self-directed activities. This will allow students to dip in and out as their ability to participate fluctuates.
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