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Audience Building and Financial Health in the Nonprofit Performing Arts
  • Author(s)
  • Francie Ostrower and Thad Calabrese
  • Publisher(s)
  • The University of Texas at Austin
Page Count 26 pages

Implementation Tips

The authors of the report pose a number of questions that could help organizations devise their own solutions to address the decline in  audiences. Among them: 

  • Does your organization define success based on audience size, ticket sales, audience commitment, or something else? Not all efforts increase revenues, even if they engage audiences. Organizations must carefully consider whether they are working to fill more seats, raise more money, or build closer relationships with patrons and communities. 
  • How will your organization cover the costs of audience-development efforts? Can your organization secure funding for these efforts if they fail to generate the revenue necessary to pay for themselves? 
  • Which audiences are most important? Measures meant to attract one audience, some research suggests, could drive others away. Are the potential benefits of new approaches worth the costs?
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