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District Partnerships With University Principal Preparation Programs
  • Author(s)
  • Elaine Lin Wang, Susan M. Gates, and Rebecca Herman
  • Publisher(s)
  • RAND Corporation
Page Count 22 pages

Implementation Tips

  • Find a willing university partner. This means a university that genuinely wants to listen and respond to feedback. 
  • Consider building relationships before beginning a partnership. This can be done in a number of ways. One is having district staffers teach or supervise preparation program students. Another is meeting one-on-one with the program director to assess the university’s interest.
  • Consider whether the school system is ready for a partnership. One question is whether top district leaders have the time to participate in meetings and provide input into program design.  
  • Make sure there’s good communication between those who work directly with the university program and district staffers who hire, support, and evaluate principals. 
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