- Wallace
- Focus Areas And Initiatives
- School Leadership
School Leadership

School Leadership Initiatives
Since 2000, Wallace has helped school districts and states develop and test ways to improve leadership by principals and others in schools.
Principal Pipeline Initiative
Six large school districts found that comprehensive principal pipelines could lead to a larger corps of effective principals—and benefits for student achievement.
University Principal Preparation Initiative
Improving university-based principal preparation programs proved feasible thanks to strong partnerships among universities, districts, and states.
Principal Supervisor Initiative
Six districts reshaped the principal supervisor job to focus more on supporting principals and less on handling administrative tasks.
Principal Pipeline Learning Community
More than 80 school districts received guidance on building strong principal pipelines. Revised leader standards and an equity focus were two results.
ESSA Leadership Learning Community
In 11 states, community, district, and state stakeholders regularly discussed how to promote effective, equity-minded school leadership. Innovations and policy ideas emerged.
Where we've worked