Host & Guests
Host: Lucas Held, Director of Communications for The Wallace Foundation
Knellee Bisram, SEL specialist at Prime Time Palm Beach County, an intermediary organization that coordinates afterschool programs

Kristen Rulison, SEL manager for the Palm Beach County School District

Charlie Peterman, cafeteria manager at Crosspointe Elementary School

Teaching can be very stressful at times and we know that stress affects our health and well-being. We wanted to make sure that we were spending time to promote adult self-care practices and help educators be able to cope with stress and manage their own emotions. Our goal was to create space in the work environment where adults can cultivate, practice and reflect on their own SEL skills while feeling supported, valued and empowered.
— Kristen Rulison
About the Series
The Partnerships for Social Emotional Learning Initiative (PSELI) is a comprehensive, multiyear initiative exploring whether and how children can benefit from intentional partnerships between schools and out-of-school time programs focused on building social and emotional skills – and what it takes to do the work. A report by the RAND Corporation offers important insights from the first two years of the initiative at a time when interest in SEL is outstripping empirical guidance about how to implement these programs and practices.
This episode focuses on why developing the social and emotional skills of adults is important. The researchers found that participating communities viewed adult SEL skills as a foundation for building student SEL skills.