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Social and Emotional Learning
  • Author(s)
  • Pam Loeb, Stacia Tipton, and Erin Wagner
  • Publisher(s)
  • Edge Research and The Wallace Foundation
Page Count 131 pages

Research Approach

Edge Research, an Arlington, Va.-based market research firm, approached this work in four phases. Phase I consisted of desktop research. The organization synthesized background materials provided by Wallace, web searches, text analytics and trends data. This led to an inventory of terms and initial hypotheses. Findings informed a working session with Wallace and a short list of terms for further study. 

In Phase II, Edge focused on qualitative research among professionals. The team completed 45 in-depth interviews among K-12, Afterschool and Policy leaders. Discussions explored perceptions of terms and the topic in more detail. Findings informed a messaging session with Wallace, where the team started to draft content for the survey phase.

Phase III focused on quantitative research with an online survey of n=1,600 professionals (192 Policymakers; 331 K-12 Leaders; 620 Afterschool Leaders). Wallace designated 5 terms of interest, and Edge designed a survey to test the strengths and weaknesses of those terms. The survey also explored potential message frames.

Phase IV: As follow up to marketing research among professional audiences, Wallace asked Edge to gather parent feedback. Conversations with parents with low incomes helped the team understand SEL mindset, gut-check terminology, and continue the learning on framing and messaging.

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