- Publisher(s)
- The Wallace Foundation
Research Approach
This brief is based on Magnitude and Bond: A Field Study on Black Literary Arts Organizations by Liam Sweeney and Deirdre Harkins of Ithaka S+R.
Sweeney and Harkins worked with directors from five Black literary organizations—Cave Canem, Furious Flower Poetry Center, the Hurston/Wright Foundation, Obsidian, and The Watering Hole—and two experts in the field. The researcher gathered institutional data from the five organizations on topics including revenues, expenses, governance structure, and strategic plans. They also interviewed 19 individuals, including directors of the participating organizations, board members, audience members, community members who have participated in programming, experts in the literary field, and staff. They use the data they collect, along with additional desk research, to create a snapshot of Black literary arts organizations as they work towards maintaining their presence and meeting the needs of their constituencies.