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Building Citywide Systems for Quality
  • Author(s)
  • Nicole Yohalem, Elizabeth Devaney, Charles Smith, and Alicia Wilson-Ahlstrom
  • Publisher(s)
  • Forum for Youth Investment
Page Count 112 pages

Implementation Tips

  • The authors recommend using the QIS Capacity Self-Assessment Tool, developed specifically for this guide. It can be found on page 102 of the guide.
  • Don’t start from scratch if you don’t have to. Find out whether local organizations are using certain tools or frameworks, whether standards have ever been drafted, or if any related efforts are under way or have occurred in the past.
  • Don’t try to involve everyone at the start. Begin with a small group of supporters. This is the time to build momentum.
  • Don’t adopt an existing definition of quality without engaging providers. Although it might make sense to select something developed nationally or borrow from another community, the process of developing consensus and buy-in is important.
  • Don’t assume everyone agrees on the purpose. Discuss the value of different approaches. Clarifying these nuances early will help generate consensus about the purpose of the system.
  • Don’t put off sustainability planning. Identifying available and potential resources, thinking about the eventual scale of the system, and looking for opportunities to align with or embed within existing structures such as government agencies are all steps to start early and continue throughout.
  • A lot of oversight and management goes into implementing a QIS. Be sure to think about who is doing everything, from ordering food for trainings to supervising coaches and assessors to creating an observation schedule.
  • Be sure that there is not one person driving the system forward or upon whom the system depends. Build champions from your pilot sites, coaches and assessors so that the effort will continue beyond any one person’s tenure.
  • Keep exploring opportunities to align and embed. Talk to local funders about what they require of grantees. Connect with the state quality rating system. Don’t miss an opportunity to encourage adoption of the system.
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