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- Toolkits
- Strongnonprofits Toolkit
StrongNonprofits Toolkit

Maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records is critical for keeping everyone informed and making good decisions. The tools in this section will help you navigate the day-to-day responsibilities of a nonprofit finance office.

Fiscal Management Activities Calendar
Keep your team on track with this excel-based tool that covers activities related to the annual audit process, internal reporting, budget process and regulatory reporting deadlines. The calendar is easily customizable by fiscal year with one click.

Checklist for Monthly Close
Get your team on the same page with this free customizable tool pre-populated with essential tasks for a painless process. We've also highlighted dependencies and given you space to assign tasks in a Gantt-chart style project plan.

Self-Assessment: Strengthening the Finance-Development Relationship
This quick, two-page checklist will help you assess what’s working and what may be causing friction between Finance and Development Departments. See how your organization rates against recommended best practices and learn how to improve collaboration between these two key components of the financial infrastructure.

Contract Reporting Tracker
Use this excel tool to smooth communications between Development and Finance teams. Track reporting requirements for each contract or grant and keep track of all funding details and requirements in one place. The tool includes views across all grants/contracts as well as for each grant/contract individually.

Nonprofit Chief Financial Officer Resource Center
This resource center for nonprofit chief financial officers at the Bridgespan Group's website includes articles for new and prospective CFOs, articles for organizations hiring CFOs, as well as sample CFO and Controller job descriptions.

Next Steps: Data and Analysis
With effective and efficient finance office operations, you are ready to produce the Data and Analysis necessary to make appropriate decisions about using your organization’s resources.
Explore the Toolkit by Topic
Plan, design and build your organization's operating budget to deliver on your mission effectively and sustainably
Cash Flow
Forecast and monitor cash flow to ensure you have the money you need when you need it
Ensure your finance office operations run efficiently and effectively
Data and Analysis
Visualize and understand what your numbers mean
Audit Readiness
Prepare for your audit and maintain audit readiness throughout the year
Governance and Strategy
Employ big-picture thinking to connect your financial resources with mission goals